Sunday, September 2, 2018

Imagine the Power and Now Experience It with The RAD 5

The RAD 5 Radionics Machine is an incredible powerful manifestation device.

It is widely revered as a grand champion of radionic instruments with an orgone energy output that is unrivaled.

Radionics is one of the many methods of action at a distance with the help of structural links, and it is extremely effective, flexible and powerful.  In the case of radionics, numeric values are used as structural links.  Since Abrams, the person who introduced radionics, was using rheostats to make his measurements, he assumed “frequencies,” and this was a logical conclusion, which was based on the technological knowledge of his times.  Typically, whenever there is a scientific innovation, some ten to twenty years later followers of alternative sciences are making use of the new terminology.  This happened with “relativity” “quantum mechanics” and of recent “nanotechnology” just as it has been the case with “frequencies” at Abrams’ time.  
The “frequency” concept remained.  I conducted quite a few double-blind experiments, in which radionics dials were set arbitrarily while the person setting them “knew” what it was for.  It worked well, although no stick pad or other ideomotor response technique was used.  Obviously what counts is a simple method of making permanent a structural link to a target or trend, which is represented by abstractions, and a radionics device is a very useful tool for this. 

Certainly there are those who have wondered just how much orgone energy can be emitted from this orgone radionics device, suffice it to day… QUITE  A LOT!

Mind control was once something out of the reach of most people.  The idea that one can use the power of the mind to control oneself or others is not new, but has always been elusive in practice.  Mind power is having control over the subconscious and conscious mind.  This is of course, a very desirable thing for anyone.  But how can one take advantage of mind power and mind control?  Well, now there is a new answer to that question.  The answer is technology.  That’s right, technology is the answer.  In 1994 Karl Welz invented the life force generator or chi generator (also referred to as the orgone generator).  This revolutionary device was capable of generating large amounts of life force in a short amount of time.  Welz, a scientist, immediately recognized the vast potential for the life force generator to open up the possibilities of mind power.  Using life force to control ones mind or the minds of others was previously reserved for a very few highly trained individuals.  With the advent of the life force generator anyone can have mind power and use mind control to their own advantage.  By now, you might be wondering exactly how this is done and how you can go about doing it yourself.  The short answer is Radionics. Radionics is action at a distance or an influence at a distance.  So, you could use radionics to influence at a distance your own mind or the minds of others.  Radionics mind control is based on the idea that a TREND (outcome / influence / mind control ) is directed to a TARGET ( yourself, another person, a group etc.).

Radionics connects the trend to the target and this connection is powered by a field of life force energy, a.k.a. ORGONE ENERGY.

So, one can influence the mind of oneself or others ( mind control )  by attaching a trend (influence) to a target (receiver or the influence) using a life force generator.  This process is called radionics.
So, I bet you are wondering how you can start doing this NOW.  The good news is YOU CAN.  It all starts with a Welz Chi Generator and The Super Manifestation Ultimate Software.  



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