They say that nothing is more powerful than the mind…
Maybe they did not know about ORGONITE back then…?
Orgone Energy was the name given by Wilhelm Reich to life energy permeating everything. In some mystic traditions, orgone is also called “Ch’i”, “Prana”, “Ether”, ‘Élan vital” or “fifth element”.
Wilhelm Reich was the first serious and dedicated scientist to investigate the existence and properties of this life energy, leaving aside mysticism to focus on a primary scientific approach to the idea.
Before the rise of a mecanical world-view several hundred years ago (Newton), all traditions and religions talked about this concept of a sea of energy from which all material forms stem and materialize.
This same theme can be found in hinduism (prana), buddhism and taoism (chi, Ki), all oriental traditions. But the concept can also be found in occident with the greeks (ether).
These past years, we can see a trend towards healing modalities based on life energy, such as reiki, but also a convergence in the world of leading-edge quantum physics. All of a sudden, modern science seems to point toward the “old” world view that everything is connected, and that a form of sentient, all-permeating energy exists, even though the scientific establishment still categorically denies the existence and invalidates the concept of life energy.
According to Reich observations, orgone is present in three forms, these being (according to his terminology) POR for Positive Orgone Radiation, DOR for Deadly Orgone Radiation and OR which is simply neutral orgone.
Some settings where a high concentration of POR can be found are: in the forest, near a waterfall, after a rain, in nature. Beautiful cumulus clouds are also a manifestation of POR as they generally point toward good weather, moving and evolving atmospheric currents.
Reich’s Orgone accumulators distant relatives of the RAD 5 Radionics
Wihelm Reich observed that orgone was attracted by successive layers of organic and metalic materials.He did several tests with boxes and funnels that would accumulate orgone for medical purposes to treat cancer patients and several other ailments.
Later, he performed atmospheric research and found he could manipulate atmospheric currents and clouds with a device that would project and direct life energy.
Even though Reich had amazing results, his devices had a major downside: they would accumulate any type of energy (positive or negative) without discrimination, whichever was around in the environment.
In a DOR saturated environment, Reich-type devices can be extremelly dangerous and must be manipulated with great care.
In the 80’s, another independant researcher, Karl Welz, discovered that a mix of metal particles suspended in hardened resin was superior to the alternate layers of organic and metalic material that Reich was using.
He called this new composite material Orgonite. And from there we went from an orgone accumulator to an orgone generator.
Don Croft intuitively understood the potential of this innovation, ad combined it with his knowledge of Reich’s cloud-busters to create is own version of a cloud-buster, and several other devices thereafter. He also found that this configuration could transmute DOR into POR.
Adding quartz crystals as an amplifier allowed to project the energy in a much wider range. The real break through with these new devices is that they become active in the presence of powerful negative energy fields, transmuting the deadly energy into positive, life-giving energy.
These new devices would actually benefit from being exposed to negativity.
The cloud-buster “movement” then became a vivid and fast-growing community of indepedant researchers, as positive effects could easily be felt and experimented first-hand.
While only a hand-ful of people can perceive or see subtle energies, anyone can see desertic regions being turned back into thriving areas, plants growing faster and better, etc.
This “movement” is based on empirical evidence, and sometimes animated discussion between members. We have no final ultimate proof that what we think to be true is the truth, however an increasing number of people notice positive changes right now.
Given the absence of present scientific research surrounding the field of orgone energy and the denial of its existence by modern academics, it is very challenging to explain the actual physical workings of orgone generators and how these simple devices can transmute negative energy into positive energy, without hard scientific data. At best, we are left with empirical evidence, individual user reports, anecdotes and theories.
The actual mechanical principle of how orgone generators work has been the subject of lengthy discussions in many internet forums over the years . There is no consensus. We currently adhere to the following theory:
Reich explains that metal both attracts and repulses negative DOR energy. Since orgone generators contain metal particles of various sizes and shapes, the energy goes through successives layers of metal and long carbon-based molecular chains (resin), repeatedly. By doing so, the energy is “excited” and its vibratory level rises, purifying it. Crystals are added to direct the purified energy and obtain an optimal filtration effect, while the stones and mineral “color” the output (give it a specific vibratory rate or “resonance”). We believe that it is possible to explain the theory behind orgone generators without violating the laws of thermo dynamics.
Again, without a way to measure and quantify orgone energy and in light of science’s denial of orgone energy, it is quite challenging to come up with a detailed explanation based on facts.
Fortunately, we and other independant researchers have developped several different protocols over the years to observe actual VISIBLE effects of orgone generators and orgone energy.
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